Monday, April 18, 2011

Overview of Project

This term I am doing an independent study on malnutrition and obesity. I will be studying the implications surrounding these two issues while learning about the many underlying causes that lead to both conditions. I find malnutrition and obesity to be interesting topics because there are so many ways to look at each problem, and one individual case could be linked to something completely different than another case. I'm going to start my independent study by doing a broad overview of malnutrition and obesity by looking into the physical problems, as well as the social and cultural problems, associated with these health conditions. 

As I continue my research, I would like to chose a particular topic to delve into and examine more thoroughly. The topic I chose will also be the basis for my final project, which I will design as the term progresses. I think being able to share information with others is a key component to learning, so this blog and my final project will be my method of passing on the interesting things I find throughout the term.

I have a teacher who feels very strongly about reading the news and keeping up on current issues (whether they are local or international), so last term I made a deal with myself to check out the New York Times a couple times a week. I've always found the news hard to read and understand, but I discovered that once I found the right subjects to look at, the news became much more interesting! So, from time to time, I'll be using this blog to post links to current events I've found while skimming through the New York Times. (They might not be directly related to malnutrition and obesity, but if you think about an issue long enough, I believe everything can be connected.)

I hope this blog turns out to be a great way to share information, and even start discussions! Feel free to leave comments expressing your ideas, concerns, etc... I'll keep new posts coming as I continue studying malnutrition and obesity from different aspects and on different levels.

Thanks for reading!

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