Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Variety of Interesting Tidbits!

Since my last post, I have been finding a variety of news articles and websites that are relevant (and interesting!) to my project. I'll give a brief description of each and then post the link so that you can choose which ones interest you as well!

Fooducate is a fascinating website. I spent at least three hours going from article to article, reading about Mountain Dew, M&M's, food dyes, pink fluff that is apparently chicken (?!), summer diets, food sold at pharmacies, and so much more. This first article I found was about children's food, and it posed the question 'do children really kids food?' which was particularly interesting to me, especially after researching school lunches. (Click on the link to read the article.) 

Sarah Palin comments on Michelle Obama's childhood obesity prevention campaign.

A New York Times article about how the American workplace is contributing to the obesity epidemic. 

Another New York Times article and discussion about Arizona's plan to finance its Medicaid program by charging patients who are either obese or who smoke. Really interesting, but there's one thing I don't understand... If people are using Medicaid, that probably means that they aren't too well-off in the first place. So if these obese people are buying cheap foods (which ultimately contribute to their obesity), is making them pay more money a solution?

One more New York Times article... A (hopefully) new and improved food pyramid? Looks more efficient to me!

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